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Home » Cannabis toxins admitted

Cannabis toxins admitted

Cannabis toxins admitted

Groups that support the legalization of cannabis have now admitted that smoked cannabis is toxic.

Most cannabis use in Australia is by smoking, so the toxins now admitted, would be badly affecting Australian cannabis users.

They admit that smoked cannabis contains over 100 chemicals and over 111 different components.

They admit that cannabis smoke causes cancer, that is, cannabis smoke is carcinogenic.

They admit that cannabis smoke is hazardous to the respiratory system.

They admit that the Institute of Medicine recommends against the smoking of cannabis because of the HEALTH RISKS.

The THC content of the cannabis revealing the toxins was only 4%, consider how much more toxins are in the Australian “skunk” cannabis that had up to 30%THC as disclosed by the Australian Bureau of Criminal Intelligence.

(Source: NORML media release 2 May 2003)


Cannabis is NOT safe and use should supressed.

The amount of cannabis in the community MUST be reduced.

Cannabis toxins ARE proven.

More young people are using cannabis now so expect more problems.