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Home » Drug Demand Must Reduce

Drug Demand Must Reduce

Drug Demand Must Reduce

The most senior police commander in Britain has told a group of parliamentarians that action is necessary to reduce demand for the use of illicit drugs.

Anyone caught with drugs in their system should be offered help to stop, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner believes.

The potency of cannabis has increased fivefold in the last half century with younger children at risk of major health damage.

The Commissioner advocates mandatory drug testing at work.

Reducing demand for illicit drugs is working in other countries and should be put in place in Britain to help users to quit.

(Source: Daily Mail newspaper UK 30 January 2013)


This senior official in the United Kingdom is offering good policy to the MP’s by using the successful policies of other countries.

Our Council supports the illicit drug demand reduction approach that is working to assist users to quit.

Identified illicit drug users need rehabilitation to get them free of drugs before they are addicted.

Because of the increased toxins in cannabis the harm to users and the risks to their mental health are now acute.

However, police know that a reduction in the number of illicit drug users will make the roads safer for every road user.

Reducing industrial accidents by drug affected employees will make the workplace safe for working families.