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Home » Rehabilitation Updates

Rehabilitation Updates

News- Stop Press

During our intelligence gathering phase and in dialogue with certain rehabilitation service provides, it has been revealed that providers have often needed ‘to extend their waiting lists’. This never-ending backlog, then shines the light on the very vexed question of so-called ‘safe’ injecting rooms, such as the notorious Medically Supervised Injecting Room, MSIR.


According to the rehabilitation providers we have been in contact with, but not those actually listed on our website under Rehabilitation Services for your reference, this facility in Melbourne’s inner suburb of North Richmond has opened up a Pandora’s Box. This can be attributed to the fact that the facility has created a means of people ‘sampling’ drugs. And as a direct result, this has ‘increased the numbers of those needing rehabilitation’. Hence, the cycle is perpetuated. Horrifically there has also been ‘a surge in domestic trauma, which is especially experienced by children’.

Melbourne, September 2021