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Home » Cocaine Use Link To Columbia

Cocaine Use Link To Columbia

Cocaine Use Link To Columbia

The latest report from the Australian Crime Commission shows that 96 per cent of cocaine seized at Australian borders came from Colombia.

The Australian cocaine market is increasingly diverse in methods of importation and distribution to users.

Australian border protection agencies are targeting the organized criminals that import cocaine using better intelligence.

However, cocaine arrests represent less than 1.5 per cent of arrests with one arrest alone stopping more than half of all cocaine detected.

(Source: Minister for Home Affairs, Media release, 17 May 2012)


Australia is a key market for Colombian cocaine because of our high demand clearly identified by the organized criminals.

This is why international agencies like the United Nations want Australia to reduce its demand for cocaine by reducing the users.

Australia cocaine users need to understand that their money is funding international criminals and the many drug killings in South America.

Whilst trying to stop the cocaine at our borders Australia has to cut demand by court ordered and supervised cocaine rehabilitation.

As scientists have now proven cocaine addicts can have their brain return to normal by abstinence of the chemical stimulants.

Illicit drug maintenance using drug substitutes will not be effective in cutting the funds to the violent criminals that import cocaine.

Cutting demand for cocaine use by rehabilitating identified cocaine users will make it easier for our Australia’s border protection agencies.