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Touchstone is our home base and support system for the bereaved and hurt relatives of Australian drug users and the drug that was impacted.

The parent body of Touchstone, the Drug Advisory Council of Australia Inc., (DACA) stands firmly against the widespread push for the decriminalization and even legalization of illicit drugs.

Become a Member

As an entity Touchtone will reach out across the community to identify and involve from a personal experience perspective, and if the potential exists, to contribute to strategic and tactical policy, individuals who have been impacted by the use of drugs.

As a foundational basis, individuals who have been adversely impacted by drugs will include, but not be limited to, the individual, families at every level of the nuclear family structure and broader individuals outside of familial groupings, such as victims of crime.

Touchstone’s strategic intent is to have such individuals have an immediate sense of belonging by becoming Members of DACA. With a cohort of Members through the work of Touchstone, there will be an enhanced pool of human resources to, in turn percolate the DACA doctrines in the community and contribute directly to debate.

Skills would arise that directly aid the objectives and assist in this asymmetric quest to push back against the mindsets that are causing immeasurable harms to our society. We need to recognise that DACA is a body conducted entirely by volunteers and the augmentation of skills will play an important part in future achievements in this space.    

Throughout its inception, DACA has prioritised ending drug abuse in the community and has identified the following critical elements that are pervasive in drug abuse and extremely important to individuals who identify with Touchstone and DACA:

Help us Make a Difference

Members of Touchstone will remain respectful of the reputation, doctrine and objectives of DACA and appreciate what if anything is to be expressed on behalf of Touchstone in the public domain requires the prior approval by DACA.