Teens Support
Have you ever thought about taking drugs?
D Drugs
A Always
N Negatively
T Touch
E Everyone
I’m here to show you some tools to help you navigate through this part of your life…
“You can say no to drugs”
You’ve taken the first step by being here!
Are you depressed, lonely or want to fit in at school?
If the answer is yes, then DRUGS are not the solution!
The River of Resilience
Ellen 16
Do you know what being resilient means?
Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from illness, change or misfortune, buoyancy. You can be resilient too.
Guideposts for your life, your future
Dante reminds us that it is better to:
- Create a healthy lifestyle.
- Don’t ruin your relationships.
- People who you believe to be friends might not be friends at all.
- Make sure you have multiple groups of friends; don’t rely on just one.
- Openly discuss drugs with your parents, family, friends and teachers .
- Positive behaviour is better and healthier in the long run.
- Understand what drugs are and what really happens if you take them.
Did you know the 25% of teens that start smoking weed will move onto harder drugs? Weed enhances the feelings of loneliness and depression.
Caleb 13
It’s ok to open up to parents, friends or teachers because many of them could probably relate to you, what they really want to say is, “I slayed my demons, now I am on a mission to help you slay yours”.
Tips to help you cope from those on a similar journey
- Approach life in a healthy way, this keeps you and others happier and safer.
- Relationships are important, nourish and treasure them. Relationships happen because people care.
- Maybe your closest/lifelong friend is waiting to meet you. Be adventurous and seek new relationships.
- Remember that your decisions affect others, care for your loved ones as well as yourself.
- Remember your decisions affect others, care for your loved ones as well as yourself.
- The only person who deserves a special place in your life is someone who never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.
- A real friend wants what is best for you, speak to someone who will help.
- Be patient with yourself as you evolve. Small, healthy choices make a big difference in the long run.
Jacob 16
- Be open about your past decisions, no-one can help if you don’t reach out to people who care!
- Know the risks, learn a better way to deal with the issues which drugs can never properly take away.
- Addiction is a disease that makes you too selfish to care about the fact that you have shattered the lives of yourself and the people who love you.
- Drugs harm you more than they help you. There are better methods of escape, talk about it.
- Educate yourself, bro
- We are here to help you. You only have to let us.