Heroin Haul Disclosures
The largest heroin bust in Victoria in April 2003 has disclosed that Australia is being targeted for illicit drugs.
The shipment of 150Kg of heroin, worth $165 million, was thwarted by Australian federal police.
The North Korean ship that transported the heroin was apprehended by the Australian Navy and heavily armed Australian SAS soldiers.
US experts have claimed that the North Korean government is involved in trafficking up to $500 million in heroin and amphetamines every year.
These experts claimed that Australia was specifically targeted for illicit drug imports.
(Source: Melbourne Herald Sun 6 March 2006)
Australia is targeted by illicit drug organisations because of its high demand for illicit drugs.
Whilst drug busts by the Australian federal police and others stems the flow of illicit drugs into Australia, the drug demand in Australia stimulates the illicit drug importation.
Australian drug demand is stimulating huge sums of money to overseas criminal and terrorist organisations.
Australia needs to cut the demand for illicit drugs in order to starve these overseas groups of cash.
Australian border protection needs policies that reduce the number of illicit drug users and reduce the demand for illicit drugs.
Reducing the number of illicit drug users and drug demand need policies that divert users into detoxification and rehabilitation to get them free of illicit drugs.