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March 2018

Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users — A Hidden Danger of the Opioid Epidemic

Transmission of other bloodborne infections, particularly HIV and hepatitis B virus (HBV), is also increasing among injection-drug users, albeit at a slower rate. The opioid epidemic has also been linked to increasing rates of syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections, microbial endocarditis, and other infections… Read More »Hepatitis C in Injection-Drug Users — A Hidden Danger of the Opioid Epidemic

Marijuana Use Disorder, Subcortical Dopamine Hyper-Connectivity and Psychosis—Is There a Connection?

Author: Mark Gold, MD A continued effort to legalize the unrestricted access and use of marijuana in the U.S., primarily through voter initiatives, continues in spite of clinical trial evidence of lack of efficacy, increasing teen use, and reports of serious consequences from accidents to mental… Read More »Marijuana Use Disorder, Subcortical Dopamine Hyper-Connectivity and Psychosis—Is There a Connection?

One Minute of Marijuana Secondhand Smoke Exposure Substantially Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function.

BACKGROUND: Despite public awareness that tobacco secondhand smoke (SHS) is harmful, many people still assume that marijuana SHS is benign. Debates about whether smoke-free laws should include marijuana are becoming increasingly widespread as marijuana is legalized and the cannabis industry grows. Lack of evidence for… Read More »One Minute of Marijuana Secondhand Smoke Exposure Substantially Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function.

As scans show drug’s impact on brain, a top doctor warns of a psychosis, paranoid delusions and a superskunk schizophrenia timebomb

The UK Mail on Sunday  PUBLISHED:  25 March 2018   Britain could set off a schizophrenia timebomb if it ignores the dangers of super-strength ‘skunk’ cannabis, one of the UK’s most eminent psychiatrists warns today. Strong evidence now shows that smoking potent forms of the Class B drug… Read More »As scans show drug’s impact on brain, a top doctor warns of a psychosis, paranoid delusions and a superskunk schizophrenia timebomb