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Danger From New Ice

Danger From New Ice

A new highly addictive drug “Ice” is being pushed in Melbourne.

This new drug is a potent form of amphetamine and is the latest “in” drug for the party scene with grave consequences for the health of users.

Police believe the “Ice” is up to 15 times more powerful than powdered amphetamines and that large numbers of people are using the new drug.

Users of the new drug experience violent mood swings including hallucinations, paranoid delusions, uncontrolled violence, speed psychosis that produces symptoms similar to paranoid schizophrenia.

A Hawaii drug expert briefed police on the dangers of the new form of speed.

The use of this drug has grown dramatically over the past three years.

The use of the drug will have major consequences for the users, health providers and law enforcement.

Authorities will have difficulty in dealing with “Ice” users whilst they are violently affected by the chemicals that have altered their brain functions.

(Source:The Age Melbourne 27/4/03)


Fashionable illicit drugs such as speed, ice and amphetamines have the potential to cause major mental and physical problems for users.

Users have been known to die from only one use from these types of drugs.

Tolerance of the use of illicit drugs is not working.