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Home » Dear Editor West Australian,

Dear Editor West Australian,

Dear Editor West Australian,

Even though ignored by the consensus manufacturing media, I respond to the mother who is left to care for her granddaughter and wrote of her distress as she sees her life savings disappearing and her life is dictated to by her drug addicted daughter whilst her retirement is being destroyed. ‘Costly system distressing’ Letters 12/4.

Since this very real, and to many of us and tragic letter, I have closely watched the Letter pages for acknowledgement from one of the hundreds of WA grandparents caring for their grandchild/children because a mother has chosen to waste their lives and the lives of others by using an illicit drug.  

Not one return letter has been published; maybe nobody had the time to publicly share their similar catastrophic lives.   Certainly, the majority of grandparents caring 24/7 for a grandchild are financially strapped, also the demand on their time would prevent the luxury of scanning it.  

I thank the grandmother for having the courage to write about the financial and emotional demands I experience whilst caring for my grandson.

While West Australia is swamped in the politically untrammelled and extraordinary demand for drugs, it is also true that, without exception, our drug advisory elite academia has manufactured this ‘war for drugs’ which devastates our communities.  The public should take the time to understand that WA’s appalling record of drug taking is a manmade hoax disingenuously masterminded in 1991.

My congratulations and heartfelt gratitude go to  Police Commissioner Chris Dawson and Assistant Commissioner Gary Budge for refusing to cave in to the latest State parliament navel gazing drug legalisation talk-fest by the Greens (of course) and Liberal Democrat Adam Stonehouse.  Report, 16/4.

Grieving Mother and Grandmother G.C. from West Australia